Umm Ohhh.......

I recently went to dinner with a group of friends and someone asked me how my blog was going. Well, the first one went well!!! By well....I mean who in the world thought over 80 people would ever want to read anything I have to write?! Or even the second one that had over 40 readers! Someone else at the dinner table joined in to ask what my blogs are about. First let me start by saying, I am on the hott mess express ALL THE TIME! So, I mentioned to her how my first blog was about forgetting my daughter at tumbling lessons and that I am trying to become more honest with myself about my life being a mess. I am always telling myself "Girl get yo life together!" I excitedly explained to her that I already had my next blog in I'll share

 Last year I got my car windows tinted because that was the cool thing to do and let's not mention the fact that I am blind as a bat, so this was probably not the best of an idea. I can't see that great at night and if I am going to be completely honest, I can't see that great during the day either so thank heavens for contacts or glasses that have saved many lives while I'm driving! Okay funny not funny but probably true! I can't imagine how many people can agree! HA! After getting my windows tinted, I noticed it was a really hard to transition from the garage when backing out. It takes a moment or two for my eyes to adjust, so I try to be really conscious of watching what is behind me. I remember laughing to my inner self and thinking, "one of these days I am going to back right into something"

My day started out rushed... as do most my days. Typical for most right?! I tend to get a lack of sleep, so I may push the snooze button a time or two or three....okay I won't say exactly how many times! Anyways, once my day starts out rushed it generally stays that way. I went to work and remember thinking that I had a million and one things to get done after wards. Throw in the mix, my daughter had forgotten something at home and I needed to swing by to grab it but nowhere in my tight schedule...Ummm VERY TIGHT schedule..... did I account for an extra trip across town. I seem to be a little bit on edge knowing this is going to cause me to run a little farther behind, so I try to just tell myself I'll wing it and it will be just fine!

I remember pulling in the garage while stopping at home. Not even thinking, I closed the garage door behind me as if I was going to stay. I ran inside and came back out, hit the button, and was looking in my purse for chap stick. After digging through what felt like a landfill, I finally found it! My lips were on fire so at this point my heart was happy! Let's face it, winter is crucial on our bodies, dry skin and chapped lips are the worst. It's the little things in life that  satisfy us. Can I get an Amen?! I throw my car in reverse and back up....."SHIIITTT!" Umm, I guess I could have used another choice of words but that is literally what came out my mouth when I backed up while the garage door was still DOWN!!! 

Instantly I am furious with myself! Are you Flipping kidding me?! I get out the car, staring at the door like what in the hell am I gonna do now?! My life can never go right! I go outside and 110lbs of me tries to push the garage door back in with my hip. Don't ask me why I thought I had some sort of human powers to just make it look like nothing had ever happened. Just picture it, little me trying to mold that metal back to its original shape with my hip...haha! Heck, sometimes I wish I was Superwoman or had some sort of cool human power like that! It would  probably make life a little easier.... Who am I kidding?! My life is interesting enough, I don't need add anything to it!

I couldn't believe it, who in the world does that?! I was sooo embarrassed! I immediately thought, I am not going to say a word to ANYONE! No one will notice right?! It's just a small crease in the garage door, no one comes to visit me anyways, I can just tell them it was like that before I moved in, the scratches on my car aren't that bad.....UGH! Or better yet my mind quickly shifts to the idea, my kid is going to be driving in 3yrs and she will get this car so it's not going to matter if there are a few scratches on it! Who actually does this is all I could keep asking myself?? These are literally things I told myself! 

After going to dinner, I realized it was a night full of laughter and exchanging hott mess stories! We are human, so I know I can't be the only one who makes these silly mistakes in life! I don't blog this for the "likes" as Face book is set up to be. I write these so I can become honest with myself that failure is okay. I hope others can relate and find humor in my life mishaps. I don't know why I was so embarrassed that I didn't want to talk about this before. The things that happen to us in life can be comical if we don't let them eat us up and spit us out. "Laugh with me, not at me" is the idea here but on that note, it doesn't seem like I'll ever stop telling myself "Girl get yo life together!"


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