What other people think of you is none of your business.....

Lately I've caught a lot of slack about being a health coach and managing health. Let me start off by saying I am not writing this blog to be Negative! I am taking this feedback as constructive criticism. I am using these words to turn this journey into a positive blog. I LOVE to blog, I LOVE to COACH, and I certainly try to be as POSITIVE as possible when doing both! I was just as unsure of this journey, as some of the people who have poured out their opinions. I understand where the uncertainty comes in. It wasn't something I planned. I asked someone about their health journey and how they "do what they do". After that conversation, I prayed to God about something that was tugging at my heart so heavily. Praying is hard, it's something that I have always struggled with. I'm trying to get better at it! I asked God, if this is the road he wanted me to follow, then to please lead the way! As silly as that sounds, he did exactly that! I was given all the tools necessary to make the lifestyle changes I wanted to happen!

Managing my health might mean something different for me, than it does for others. It simply means having healthier eating habits, choosing to live life longer, and even trying to get some of my sleep and energy back! Now, don't get me wrong! If I can loose a little bit of bloating and inflammation along the way, by the scale numbers going down.....THEN SO BE IT! Most people seriously can't tell me they wouldn't be the least bit of happy for that! If someone can say they wouldn't be happy for that, it's probably because they have convinced their self, there is nothing better to life! This is just as good as it gets....NO NO NO, I will stand FIRMLY when I say THEY ARE SO WRONG! I will probably catch some negative feedback for saying that because at times it does seem so ABSURD... but it's TRUE! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO LIFE!

A healthy life doesn't have to be exaggerated changes. It doesn't have to be something we do for a little bit and then fall off wagon! Stuff like that is just setting yourself up for failure! As a HEALTH COACH and a DECENT HUMAN BEING, I would never set someone up for failure! Being a Health Coach is the complete opposite! I simply support others in their GOALS and DREAMS! I support them during some SIMPLE lifestyle changes to make it all happen! I know, "Easier said than done." PLEASE! "Don't knock something until you try it!" It drives me crazy for someone to be so NEGATIVE, when they usually have nothing to base their opinion off of! Of course, a health plan is not going to be ideal for everyone. It is not a size one fits all! It depends on what that person wants to accomplish! It depends on what they value in life! It depends on their goals! It is what they dream of their life to be like! So if you are reading this, Ask yourself, "What do I dream of feeling like, what do I dream of looking like, what do I dream of my life being like?!"

That is EXACTLY what I did, when I decided to start my health journey! See, having a little one almost 12yrs later has caused me to lose a lot of sleep. DON'T misinterpret my words to mean that I'm complaining about loosing sleep. Okay, wake up people! Maybe I am complaining a little. I knew that my world and sleep schedule would change when that little one came into this world. I'm very aware that I no longer make my own sleep schedule. I jokingly say, "I am not the boss anymore." Of course I can try to keep have a sleeping schedule for that little one, who doesn't want that for their babies and their sanity?! Guess what, sometimes it just doesn't work that way! There will be nights that little one doesn't feel good and we get up to pour out as much comfort we possibly can. We try to problem solve at 2a, when what seems like the rest of the world is resting so peacefully. We might even go to the extreme of putting that screaming little one in the car to drive down the same blocks over and over again. Keep in mind, we are doing whatever we need to do, to make sure that little one sleeps. In the mean time we are loosing our sleep, our energy, and our sanity. On top of all that, we tend to find the easier way out. We start to eat out more and fuel our bodies with junk! We do whatever seems necessary. We shift our schedules, we make it work, we add more to our already exploding plate...but WE ROCK THAT SHIT!(excuse the language!) We ACT LIKE THE BOSS! WE JUST KEEP CHUGGING ALONG....

Here is where my health journey is different from others. As I was chugging along I realized, I just wanted to feel better! I know that I feel better when I help other people but more importantly, I feel better when I can help myself! I wanted to have more energy, I wanted to provide more for my kids, and I wanted to take control of my life again. So Eventually, if you're like me. You will say "enough, is enough". Not only did I say it, that is truly how I felt! At some point in life EVERYONE has said the words, "Something has to give!" Even if you're not willing to admit it out loud or even show anyone that your are trying to make the changes. There has at least been ONE TIME you have thought it! Your health journey doesn't have to pertain to weight loss. It can pertain to sleep, a negative mind frame, your financial situation, or possibly even your religion and Faith! See I didn't become a WEIGHT LOSS COACH....I BECAME A HEALTH COACH!

I decided I'm going to STAND FIRM in knowing that there is more to life and going out there to seek it! I am helping myself and supporting others because that is the path God has lead to! I have to check other people's opinions at the door. I can't let others determine my lifestyle or journey! So, I am simply saying to myself "Girl get yo life together!" and continue being a HEALTH COACH!


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